Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The blog begins

For those of you who have this URL, you must be very close to our hearts and we love you dearly. We welcome you with open arms to our lives and blog: Dave and Melissa [unfiltered] on "The Camera and the Rug"

An evening last week we both sat down for friendly head-to-head competition as to what our banner would be.

Melissa devised this stupendous rendering below:

I came up with this combination of black and white tiled Scrabble board:

Despite how proud I am of my Scrabble rendering, as you can clearly see, it is not on the top of this blog.

It's okay.

You may also have noticed the tiles really don't add up to many points.

In all honesty, I'm really not sure what the hell I was thinking when designing this logo. It wouldn't look half bad if we were making a music video for MTV in the 80's.

As unusual of an introduction this may be, we're both very happy to have you here to share and celebrate our lives with friends and family. Perhaps every once in a while, we may mention YOU!

Let the shenanigans begin...

Photo Courtesy Angelica's Facebook and tagging schemes, "A room for Squares."

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